Passion Never Goes out of Style

There is nothing new one can say about passion. Everybody knows what it means, including those who think they don't have one in their lives.  Blessed are those who know what they are passionate about and have the courage and drive to chase it. There are those that are chasing a passion without knowing that no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to the world; their passion is beautiful and worthy of their commitment. Love, will power, zeal, commitment, passion - they're all are one and the same. An emotion that you voluntarily or involuntarily act upon because if you don't act upon it, it's like any other dream. Your actions will decide whether you get to live your dream or merely dream to live it.

Passion is to desire like fuel is to fire
Fuel your passion to conquer your desire
If you have it in you, you can run the 100 mile
Because much like fashion,
Passion Never Goes out of Style!
Wear it like a crown, Or the feather on your hat
Burn that belly despite the world calling you fat
Respond to the ridicule with a brave smile
Because much like fashion,
Passion Never Goes out of Style!
If you simply love a girl, you must do something about it,
Actions speak louder than words, don't you ever doubt it
If you possess the will, you can swim across the Nile
Because much like fashion,
Passion Never Goes out of Style!

Passion is specific to every individual and can be explained in various ways. For some, it's like the fuel in their car which they need to get from point A to B.

You can’t say your passion is superior or inferior to another, there is no measure to Quantify or qualify passion. Your passion may be to rocket to Mars and another’s may be just to travel the world and live their life to the best of their abilities alone or with their partner. It may be your career, your thirst for excellence or even your relationship, no one can tell you that your passion is inferior to their own. It’s a never ending commitment with yourself until you either see it through or until death do you part.

I think passion is like a gas within a jar, much like we studied the properties of matter - gases take the shape of the jar in which they are stored. Likewise, passion takes shape of your desires, abilities or attitude. You can't be 200 pounds, uneducated and say that you're passionate about going to the moon, because that ain't happening.

If you have a passion for a particular sport, you must give it your all and see it through. So, towards the end, you will have no regrets that you gave it anything less than your 100 per cent. If you have a passion for any other dream - be it money, power, poetry, people or Love - you owe it to yourself to never give up.

Passion can be for anything or anyone. Yes, it applies to people as well, and in its purest form is more commonly referred to as Love. If you're passionate about your relationship, be it with anyone, you will do whatever it takes to make it work, even if it hurts. That's the beauty of it, you can hate it, but you will still be passionate about it. It's a funny love-hate relationship you might share. Just like the Avengers said, "whatever it takes!"



  1. Makes one think from another perspective ,beautifully written.

  2. Soooooo good. Keep them coming! Would love to read more.

  3. Wow niceπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  4. Very well articulated! And yes, much like fashion, passion never goes of style ��

  5. Superb. Looking forward to reading your next blog :)


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